Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party

It has been quite sometime since I blogged, but I think it's time to start back up...due to the political flame that has been lit lately.

I will start by posting the video for those who don't feel like reading my long rant!

I don't know how familiar you guys are with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. But basically the Adams' administration threw out the constitution when they said that anyone who opposes the administration, prints anything or says anything against the federalists would be fined or imprisoned.

This bring us to 2009. I attended the Tea Party yesterday. This was an Anti-tax, anti-stimulus rally. A very peaceful gathering where we held signs to show how we felt about the ridiculous amounts of money the government has been spending to bail out these banks and companies. Economists have found that these stimulus bills that are supposed to stimulate the economy won't even help this year. In fact they say it will hurt in the long run. Basically we are sick of sitting back and letting government become bigger than they were ever intended to be.

Nancy Pelosi said that it was the rich of America trying to get the attention off of high taxes...That's funny. There were poor and middle class people out there.

Now CNN is bashing us by saying it was an anti-government rally of anarchists. On top of that they called in "not family viewing." And they want to say that this was only a right-winged conservative gathering. I will say that there were a lot of republicans at these rallies, but there were also democrats. It's about AMERICANS who are sick of the government spending their money. Of course when you have a rally there are the occasional crazys that show up, so there were Obama bashers. Besides those few, for the most part it was peaceful petitioning that the whole government, democrats and republicans, has to stop this. Most of congress didn't even read the stimulus bill before they voted on it. Can we afford this? Our Founding Fathers did not build this republic over YEARS so we could destroy it in one.

On top of all of this...Homeland Security has tagged anyone who is pro-life, ant-immigration, or a returning veteran as a terrorist. Are you serious? oh wait there is more...We are as much of a threat as white supremacists??? Here we go...Sedition Acts will probably be in full effect by the end of the year, and I'll probably be one of the first few to go. As mom said "I will go down in glory." Those who came before us fought for us to have FREEDOM! Liberty!

Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death!" I say right on! I will die for the liberty that the brave men fought for! Bring it on!

I will leave you with this quote: "A Government Big Enough to Give You Everything You Want, is Strong Enough to Take Everything You Have." - Thomas Jefferson

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